The maritime state of Tamil Nadu is blessed with 1,076 km long coast line and 41,412 km2 continental shelf area with an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 1.9 lakh sq. km, contributing 5.97 lakh tons of marine fish production. This supports the livelihood of 10.48 lakh marine fishers through 5,440 mechanised and 44,487 traditional fishing crafts which are actively engaged in fishing. Tamil Nadu possess 3.85 lakh ha. of effective inland water resources comprising reservoirs, major irrigation tanks, minor irrigation tanks, short seasonal tanks, ponds, rivers, backwaters and derelict water bodies. The Inland fisher population is 2.36 lakh. An estimated brackishwater area of 56,000 Ha. is under capture fisheries and an area of 4536.46 Ha. is under coastal aquaculture production, mainly shrimp aquaculture.
Tamil Nadu is enriched with Marine, Brackishwater and Inland fishery resources amenable for capture and culture fisheries. Substantial focus is being given on the economic and social dimensions of fishery resources by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897 enacted by the then Madras Presidency paved the way for the formulation of fisheries legislations across India. The Fisheries sector plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country by providing livelihood to large number of fishers, generating employment opportunities in allied sectors and ensuring nutritional security.
The total fish production of the country in 2022-23 was 175.45 lakh metric tonnes. India is the second largest producer of fish in the world and occupies the second position in inland fish production. The fisheries sector contributes 1% of the GDP of the country. Tamil Nadu ranks 5th in total marine fish production of the country. Tamil Nadu exported 1.23 lakh MT of marine products and earned a foreign exchange of Rs.6,957.67 crore during 2022-23.
The per capita consumption of fish of the State during the year 2022-23 was 10.83 Kg. With the increase in demand for fish, there is a need for augmenting the overall fish production of the State substantially from all the available fishery resources. However, aquaculture is emerging as a prominent activity for enhancing fish production and income generation in rural areas. Integration of fish culture with agriculture has proved to be an option for augmenting the unit productivity from aquaculture systems. The Government is determined to enhance the inland fish production three-fold in the coming years.
ADF Office
Govt. Fish Seed Farms
Fishing Harbours
Marketing Units
Marine Fishing Villages
Marine Fisher Population
Inland Fisher Population